/ 913.787.5705

Logan Film Festival /

inspired by buttery popcorn, 80’s neon, and the irresistible pull of a television screen, the Logan Film Fest is anchored in the rich nostalgia of the cinema.


The annual Logan Film Festival celebrates independent films both locally and around the world. Founded in 2012, the festival needed a distinct identity to encourage legitimacy and create serious buzz to attract filmmakers and theater go-ers alike.








Logan Film Festival

Concept Art / Brand Identity / Brand Collateral

Logan, Utah

2012 / Original Brand Created
Creative Director: Alan Hashimoto
Designer: Amy Wilson

2020 / Conceptual Brand Refresh shown here
Creative Director / Designer: Amy Wilson @acorn.

special thanks to the founder of LFF, Alan Hashimoto, and the city of Logan, Utah for this amazing opportunity.


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